Several rules apply to producing good writing. When faced with a blank mind and a blank page, structure helps to spark ideas and to create a flow that might otherwise be missed. But structure only forms one element of writing well.
Creativity, remaining relevant, omitting excess words that distract the reader, are other essential basics of delivering a good, or even excellent job. Rules apply to both academic or creative writing, as they help formulate the direction and quality of your work.
Conduct in-depth research
Credible writing requires in-depth research, or at least sufficient research appropriate to the type of article or essay you want to produce. Your personal opinion may be interesting to friends and family but is seldom required in a well-constructed article.
Use facts from viable resources to support arguments. Make sure you credit the sources used to avoid plagiarism. Claiming work as your own is theft, which does not make for good writing.
Credible sources encompass academic papers, primary sources and articles written by experts. Government sources are also often viewed as being credible. Wikipedia is not a credible source of information. If you want to use information from an article that has referenced another source, rather use that. You want to be seen as producing credible work, so do the leg work to prove your work is valuable.
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Structure and form
Decide on your topic and whether you want the article to be informative, argumentative or other. Create a primary heading and subheadings in line with your intent. Once these are in place, you can add further sub-headings and jot down ideas under each. Essentially you are brainstorming for your project, which generates a backbone on which your content will be the meat.
Begin your writing, making sure to use a “hook” of interest in your introduction. After that, the first sentence of each paragraph must relate to separate headings. Also be sure to end each paragraph with an introduction of what is to follow under the next.
Staying aware of headings, paragraph beginnings and endings maintains focus, and improves the flow of your thoughts, along with the reader’s experience. Use a writing style that is appropriate to your audience if you want to learn essay writing, and avoid run-on sentences that confuse your audience. Wrap up your thoughts in a short conclusion.
Be succinct
To be succinct in writing, you need to cut out the excess words and fluff that don’t add value to your essay. Learn good writing habits from the start, and these will prepare you well for writing tasks throughout your studies or writing career. Certain software programs can help you to check your work to see whether there is excess wording, which is distracting.
Should you not be able to find a suitable free program, ask a friend to read through your work, to help you edit it. You should also go through your writing several times, read aloud, and ask yourself whether all the words in each sentence are needed.

Always proofread your writing
Yes, you have a proofreading tool on your PC, but it’s not enough. You actually need to read through your work to spot errors. Errors in grammar and spelling can easily be missed, which is why repeated read-throughs are essential to spot these. Read out loud to help you avoid speedreading and losing focus when it comes to identifying errors.
Your proofread phase is also an excellent time to help you weed out the fluff. Ask yourself whether a sentence reads well. Does it make sense? Can you make your point in fewer words, without sacrificing your meaning? Repeated proofreading is always recommended to produce your best work.
Relevance and creativity
Right and left-brain thinking is required to produce good writing. Writers should typically be able to exercise critical thinking to determine the relevancy of their topic to their audience. Grammar usage and focused content are essential to maintaining audience interest, as is the style of writing that you use.
Similarly, a creative approach to your writing is more likely to keep your audience intrigued, than is the mundane. Find little-known facts to include in your content. Expand your content to incorporate other topics and disciplines, without going off at an irrelevant tangent.
Think critically about what interests your audience, and then present it in a way that holds their attention. An added twist always leaves readers with a sense of a job well done.
Learning to write well takes practice. You may think you have the relevancy and creativity aspect under control, but this is not worth much if the other techniques have not been implemented. The opposite is also true. The only way that you can truly learn to write well is to practice constantly. Get someone to critique your work and offer feedback. Use a credible source for commentary, and then attempt to apply suggested changes to consistently advance your writing skills.
Author’s Bio:
Michael Turner is a writer of great repute in the academic arena. There’s isn’t an assignment type that he cannot create and provide desired results on. From theses to dissertations and essays to term papers, he knows his job well. In his free time, he plays tennis, enjoys gaming and writes short stories.