Course Overview
Your research project will be in one of the areas addressed by the marine technology research groups: -Marine Hydrodynamics and Structures (MHS) -Sustainable Shipping and Marine Engineering (SSME) Depending on your previous academic training and the requirements of the project, you may receive formal instruction through taught modules in important areas. The substantial marine technology research community including 50 research students, 140 MSc students, six to 10 post-doctoral students, six technicians and 16 full-time academic staff provides you with opportunities to progress your career, whether in industry or academia. Our annual Postgraduate Research Conference provides you with an opportunity to share research experience and practise vital presentation skills. We also instigated the UK Marine Technology Postgraduate Conference which involves research student presentations from leading UK universities involved in Marine Technology research. These universities take turns to host the conference which is sponsored by Lloyds Register, the Royal Institute of Naval Architects (RINA) and the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST). Delivery: This research degree operates through the Postgraduate Researcher Development Programme (PGRDP). This is part of the Faculty of Science, Agriculture and Engineering (SAgE) Graduate School. Your original research project is managed in the marine technology research groups. There is flexibility in how your research outputs are achieved. Supervisory inputs and collaborations with other Schools and Faculties are common. Aside from the PGRDP, the programme of work suits you and your project requirements. You will achieve a certain number of credits through the PGRDP and School in your first two years. You will also: -write a thesis for viva voce examination-attend regional and international conferences in your chosen subject area-prepare papers for publication in academic journals, Work experience: Leading industrial organisations in the Marine and Renewables sector sponsor many research projects. Other projects involve collaboration between Newcastle and other institutions. The marine technology research groups form part of extensive national and international networks. Recent partnerships and collaborations include: -International Paint-Lloyds Register-BAE Systems Facilities: You have access to a wealth of excellent facilities, including extensive laboratories such as the: -Hydrodynamics laboratory-Emerson Cavitation Tunnel-Princess Royal, a versatile twin-hulled locally designed and built vessel supported by a dedicated shore station at Blyth Harbour