Online Courses for Art History

Art History as a formal discipline was developed in the West, and originally focused exclusively with European Art History. However, over the course of the 20th century, a broader approach emerged that studied all visual art, often explored in terms of the masterpieces produced by a specific culture, tradition, or civilisations over time. This opening up of Art History has also led to the inclusion of various new media, such as film, animation, dance, even video games, in addition to the established canon of fashion, gastronomy, and fine art. By completing an MA or MPhil in Art History, a number of different career options become available. A huge number of institutes and organisations – both privately owned and publicly run – exist to collect, sell, curate, and study art of all periods and cultures; an expert understanding of Art History is a prerequisite for employment in this sector. Equally, the capacity to critique and assess creative work translates to a wide range of other fields, such as advertising, copywriting, and publishing.

Art History