Biomedicine, or Biomedical Science, refers to the branch of the biological and physiological sciences that relates directly to the practices of clinicians. It incorporates many of the natural scientific disciplines that inform medicine – such as genetics, immunology, toxicology, physiology, parasitology, gene-therapy, and molecular biology – using empirical methods, statistical modelling, and other scientific techniques to improve medicine. By developing new treatments, revising medical procedures, and providing laboratory diagnoses, biomedical scientists play a critical role in modern medicine. A background in Medicine, the Life Sciences, or a related subject is required to undertake a Masters in Biomedicine (MSc). Many students of Biomedicine find employment in medical research – either within universities, research institutes, or private companies. Further accreditation is normally required in order to work in a hospital laboratory, but working in laboratory diagnostics is a viable career pathway for students studying a Masters of this kind.