Midwives are primary healthcare professionals in pregnancy and childbirth. They provide health and parent education, carry out antenatal and post-natal assessments, and support mothers and families through pregnancy and after the birth. They also provide care during labour and birth in a variety of settings, including home birth. A Master’s Degree in Midwifery aims to enable midwives to develop, deliver and direct high quality midwifery services whilst improving maternity/health outcomes for the childbearing woman and her family. A midwife will study the art and science of midwifery and the ethical, political, legal, economic, multi-professional and global context in which contemporary midwifery is practiced. The degree aims to equip midwives with the knowledge and skills required to operate at senior and strategic levels in today's midwifery and healthcare services. Most Midwives are employed in hospitals, acute trusts and foundation trusts, through clinical commissioning groups or local area teams working in GP practices.